Wednesday, September 3

Cup of Kofi.

DSC_0012 by you.

I sat down with former Secretary General of the UN, Kofi Annan, to have a cup of coffee at the famous and overly, yet necessarily priced coffee shop, The Mellocup. We dicussed world poverty, microfinance, streetwear, the 2012 elections and the current state of music.

As you may know he and I, and apparently Kid Rock, are very against this MP3 age. Being able to purchase only the singles and not entire albums are hurting the music industry. Artists are beginning to write songs solely for the purpose of selling a song, rather than the whole album let alone emotions that can be carried with albums. Also being able to skip around to certain tracks on CDs have rendered some songs completely unheard. I say we all go back to the days of cassettes. Or just download whole discographies on BitTorrent.

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