I stumbled upon a three for $10 bin of DVDs and looked around. I picked up everyone's favorite thumb sucker starring in Thumbsucker and the "That Movie With That Guy Who Worked With Wes Anderson" movie, The Squid and the Whale. But what I'm most excited for is the Korean movie The City of Violence. I had never heard of it but it had everything that I liked on the cover. I've always said judge a book by its cover, it usually works out for me. Well this DVD had two dudes in suits flying in the air while kicking other dudes, perhaps also in the air and/or soon to be in the air due to the kick by the dudes already in the air, in black and white and with the color red in the titles and some blood here and there splattered about. It's also called The City of Violence. Just think of it. It's a whole city...of violence. What more can you ask for? And if you say country of violence you are a sick person who needs to seek professional help. And plus, most of the movies I've come across with "City" in their name have been pretty good. Sin City, City of God, Sex and the City... I mean was this a mistake? Was it supposed to be in the bargain bin and not the $28+ DVD shelf at FYE? I found myself casually walking out of the store with this, so far, awesome movie for only $3.33 looking at my periferals to see if anyone was chasing me saying, "Wait Sir! There's been some sort of shelving mistake!" or "Hey Punk! you have to pay for that!"
I haven't watched it yet but have seen the trailer on YouTube and the number of spinning back hook kicks performed over the amount of blood and teeth flying at the camera create a trustworthy ratio that I can believe in. Whatever that means...
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