Friday, December 25

Movies of the Year.

movies by theworsteyes.

These are the coveted Movies of the Year here on theworstkids. These movies have shown exceptional creativity, beauty, and overall traits of great cinema. These movies are the Movies of 2009!

hurtlocker by theworsteyes.

Unfortunately there is only one movie this year... And that is Bigelow's The Hurt Locker. It's not that other movies weren't good. I heard Antichrist was cool but guess what. I haven't seen it. I'm surprised I even saw this movie. Anyways this movie is badass. That's about it. It's all it needs. When a movie reaches a certain point of badassness, it absorbs all other aspects of filmmaking. I'm not sure what that means, but if you watch the movie, I'm sure you'll like it. I just can't wait for the Break Point/Hurt Locker Blu-Ray Two Pack to come out! Hello Christmas 2010.

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