First off I just want to say that I am just writing this because I just want to tell someone about how I feel about this game. Now you probably shouldn't be reading this if you don't want the story to get ruined and you probably also shouldn't be reading this if you don't care for this sort of thing. (This means you Nathan.) That being said, there is not a real audience for this blog but again, this is just a chance for me to express the greatness that is.
This is my now my new favorite game, for a number of reasons, and will be hard to be surpassed. Mainly because of it's story. I'm a big fan of "political thrillers" and conspiracies and what not, so that naturally drew me to the MGS series. The characters and plot over the 70 years of the series have been apart of my favorite stories. Now not really knowing the background of the MGS series will probably throw you off when you get barraged with all of the information and names in the game, but please take the time to at least read somewhat of the history just to do the plot justice. Some would say the MGS4 is convoluted and it probably is, but for the fans, it serves well answering all the questions.
Before the game came out, I would question how much I would like the game based on little things I knew about it, i.e. removal of explanation points above heads, having to play as an Old Snake, having a complete 360 control aside from the classic camera modes, and other stupid insignificant things. But once I started playing I immediately forgot about all of that and just kept thinking, "This game is amazing. And I only just entered my name...THRILLHO." I constantly find myself being in awe of how great this game is.
Don't get fooled by all of the trailers. The game is not based only in the Middle East. You also get to experience slightly different types of gameplay in South America, Eastern Europe, and revisit Shadow Moses. You even get Young Snake camo if you're tired as playing as a grey haired man. And even better, play as MGS1 Snake, pixelated and all. Who needs eyes right?
I read that this is Snake's last game as a playable character, but the series will go on. Hopefully with Raiden, who has now been transformed into a character people will actually like. Even though he should have died like 5 times in this game.
I mentioned earlier that I would compare this to GTA4 and well, it's a lot better in my opinion. Truly a masterpiece. Well, my excitement for writing has run out and this is turning into quite a lengthy and boring read. So...
Acoustics: The Shins - When I Goosestep