Saturday, March 15


If you are afraid to admit you like Paramore, you are the worst in a category of lame people. (List includes but not limited to: Kathie Lee Gifford, Metallica minus the bassist, and Osama bin Laden's second cousin.) Now if you just don't like catchy, loud music, that's fine. But if you have any type of ear and an unsocialized mind, you should know that this music is damn good. Now it's no where to be considered the best of music, but it is very well the best of it's kind. Now I generally stay away from the generic alternative-punk-pop label of music, not because I don't like it but rather because most bands tend to sound too much alike. I don't have time to sort and search for bands of the same mediocre but catchy sound. When I first heard of Paramore, I assumed just that.

After a year and an album went by, I finally decided to give it a listen, mainly to see what all the hype was about and what this cute little orange-haired sprite could do. Now when the sonic love hit my ear bones, I immediately became a level down from, for lack of a better word, hooked. While most bands have a frontman who sings like a girl, here comes the progressive idea of having a girl sing like a girl! Maybe next we can invent electric cars. Oh wait... But what a lead singer Paramore has. I fell in love with Hayley like every other man and woman on this damned planet. I would become another minion of hers if she were to ever seek world domination. She has eliminated pale, redhead fetishes all over the world with her mainstream mass army of "Hayley Whores", some among them are John Mayer, your boyfriend and your perverted uncle, who are either convinced of a destined wedding or are just trying to find other cute ladies who match her description. Although how the band used to be was a lot more appealing than how they are now to me. The music has gotten better, but it seems as though they are falling into some sort of corporate mold of appearance. You all know what I mean. And I hate to say this effects my view on them but I'm not perfect. This is mainly towards the guys in the band but I am just turned off with the whole tight jean, glam/"emo" hair, GQ style they seem to have. Almost borderline My Chemical Romance with their matching bright orange tights. Nonetheless, a group of talented Grammy nominated individuals who I hope will not be just another flavor. But I have to end on this note, Hayley Williams. Making gaps hot, she truly is 'the great orange hope'.

P.S. If you match the description of Hayley, you know where to find me. It'd be best if your first name is also Hayley, your last name will just change when we get married.

Acoustics: Paramore - Let the Flames Begin
Optics: Russell Brand: Doing Life

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