These are not the best albums of the year, or are they the highest-selling album of the year. Heck, the might not even be apart of this year! Nevertheless, they are
my albums of the year. The albums from 2009 that flooded my most recently played on iTunes.

Actor turned rapper turned actor turned father of six kids with three different women turned rapper Mos Def's
The Ecstatic was one of my early favorites this year. Dope cover from the movie
Killer of Sheep, which was too dope for me to appreciate, topped of the international feel to be a great album. His comeback was great. And I probably listened and sung along with Casa Bey for a good 1,204 times. Dope video for that song too. Album in one word: DOPE.

Album had all the indie music writers in the world clean their glasses with glee. Beating out
Bitte Orca and
Hospice and all those other Brooklyn noobs, the pitchforked San Fran Band made it on this list leaving all the other cats off. With such enormously evocative voice... ah I'll leave reviews to other real blogs. This album rulz! Album in one word: LAURA!

The Cudster's debut album was my favorite album of this year and had the most plays of probably all the other albums combined. Cudiguy had me going early with his mixtape and finished it off strong with this concept album. His music moves me even when I'm not a stoner dude. Album in one word: BEST.

To be honest, I just recently got this album and I'm not sure if it should really be on here since I haven't listened to it much. But what the hell, here it is. Clipse's
Til the Casket Drops. Album in one word: NEW!
Blueprint 3, my trip to New York City really made me realize how big Jay-Z is. He really does run NYC and it didn't take him too long to do so. Jay brings it and also brings along some great collaborations as well. So many Blueprints to follow, means so many new great artists to watch out for. The Warm-Up cough. J. Cole cough. Album in One Word: HOV.

Love him or hate him, John Mayer is one of the best guitarists out there. Yeah, there are those virtuoso noobs and that Laiho cat. But this is John Mayer, the douchebag you love to hate. Whatever that means,
Battle Studies took me a while to get used to. It's definitely different from Continuum and cannot be touched but also should not be compared. This album has a nostalgic feel to his 83 days. And me being an avid @johncmayer fanboy, I had to put him on the list. He can break up with me any day. Album in one word: ASSASSIN.

DC Maryland and Virginia are a little confused with Wale's debut album. It isn't like his mixtapes. He did make it big. He is from where you're from. Don't hate on him just because of that. This album shows a lot of versatility. There are slow parts and fast parts... Badass... Album in one word: DMV

You either knew about them with
Chunk of Change and love them to this day, or heard them everywhere after
Manners came out and hate them for it because your a music snob. Either way, it's been playing on my stereo ever since CoC but ended until Lil Scotty Mescudi took over. Album in one word: doo-doo-doo-do-do-do-doo-doo-do-do (Intro to Little Secrets).

This Parisian band was definitely the most played in the cars I've been in and the most sung with confused lyrics as well. Their up-and-down melodies give to catchy music for everyone. I don't know what that last sentence meant either... Album in one word: French.

I've read some bad reviews about Mr. Hudson's debut album, but I listened to it until I loved it. And it worked! And when Cudi's verse dropped, I loved it even more. Do the face. Do the face! Album in one word: Kid-Cudi-is-in-it!

I know what you're thinking. But yeah! Album in one word: DCFC
Album was good but The xx self-titled was better. Nuff said. Album in one word: Badass
Some honorable mentions include;
A Bomb in a Birdcage, The Great Misdirect, Only Built for Cuban Linx Pt. II,
Born Like This, and
Merriweather Post Pavilion. I had to put Animal Collective in to appease music people...
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