This has been a pretty big year for video games. Some very anticipated titles and heavy hitters came out in 2008 giving us (nerds) eye strains and our mothers to lose their voices yelling at us to stop playing and reminding us to eat. That was a horrible sentence but here are some of my favorite games of this closing year.
Super Smash Bros. Brawl is and probably will always be the only reason why I would want a Wii. A great pick-up game to take a break from the books and start owning your roommate with Lucas. Or you can call over a few people and let the wires tangle as the loser passes the controller. Who plays with the Wii-Motes anyway... It wouldn't surprise me if my friends and I played for six hours straight at a point. That is when I'm not on my G5 flying from meeting to meeting.

Five games for 60 bucks. That is the best deal ever and should give you no reason to own
The Orange Box unless you're blind, an amputee or a girl... The
Half-Life series is my favorite FPS. It is perfect in every way except for its finite-ness. I could do nothing but sit and play through the whole thing. Can't wait for
Episode 3. Then there's
Team Fortress 2, which is a decent online multiplayer shooter, but when you have another game soon to be mentioned, I don't think it matches up. And finally
Portal is
Portal. If you don't know you better axe somebody, then play the game. Best game of 2008. Hands down.

If not for PSN Network incapability where I used to live, this game would had the potential to cause me to drop out of school. Best online multiplayer I've played. Mainly because of it's ranking system and organization,
Call of Duty 4 did an adequate job taking over for
Resistance, taking over
my life
. Though the amount of time I can spend sitting in front of this game isn't as long as others, it sure can have me playing over and over again. As long as there are noobs for me to own. The only reason I stopped was for my loyalty for
Resistance 2 which is eh... The only reason COD5 isn't on here is because I absolutely hate World War II games and plus I haven't played it. BUT I don't want to...
Shocking I know. A 360 game appears on the list. But what can I say, it was pretty fun killing horde after horde of grub after grub, or whatever they're called, for hours upon hours on insane. It wasn't even online and I had a blast with myself and two other players. I still have no idea what the story line is and why that one dude is searching for his wife, but I guess chainsaws on guns can win anyone over.

I only play this on the 360 but I'm counting this as a PS3 game because I can. I haven't had this much fun in a sports game since
Super Baseball Simulator 1000. I can probably play this just as long as any other game as long as I have a partner. Silently killing with the
Washington Wizards and pissing off people while doing it is a good feeling. Sorry Bill. Agent Zero > LBJ "The First Black President". I don't see why that nick name doesn't catch on. Does no one else realize those initials?!

I love this game. I would call it my favorite this year but that would be biased. Hell, it's my favorites list so who cares. Sorry
Metal Gear Solid 4 is taking over. It's a nostalgia thing, I'm not even that old but Hideo Kojima can do that to a person. It's all in the details. Everything in this game has been closely inspected to appease to every
Metal Gear fan. Flawless. I've loved everything that has come out of the
Metal Gear Series, and this is the perfect end to a perfect saga. And also to a perfect favorites list.
But wait! Honorable mentions!
GTA IV was a great game that didn't make it onto my list because I don't think I played it right and I was tired of making those little banner things in Photoshop. I basically went mission to mission, cutting out all the fun in running people over, jumping out of helicopters and survive by falling into a pool, and exploding car pileups with a single nade and walking away with the camera facing me in slow motion.
Rock Band. I can still have fun playing this over and over. I bought a ton of extra songs on a whim and am kicking myself over it a little. It's not on the list mainly because of my downstairs neighbors who will call the cops on us for every hair that floats down and grazes the floor to cause a miniscule vibration on the wood causing the slightest of sound. But there's nothing like playing the drums on expert and checking the peripherals to see jaws drop. "Ain't a thang but a chicken wang".
Also I'm sure there are more games out there that are better, but honestly these games above on the list are the only games I have. Haven't played much of anything really.
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