Another thing is the 24 FPS 720p HD Video mode. That's right. You have probably seen me drooling over this in a recent post. This is the first DSLR camera able to record video. So you and your Canon can suck it Bobby. So what I stole this whole layout from you? The least you can do is return my calls dammit! That takes us to our next gift on the list...

You can never have enough glass. This is the best wide-angle zoom of it's kind on the market. It's also the cheapest. For the "I Lurked Flickr To Find Out What Lens People Use -- I Heart Ken Rockwell" type. I bought 5 of these because they're that good and I am that wealthy.

This is a big flash. If you have this flash I will not hate you for using a flash. Just make it bounce. For the "I Don't Want To Look Like The Tool Without A Speed Light While At The Latest Dance Party" type. Add this and a MB-D10, and you'll look like the most pro dude out there. Don't forget your hood lens!

Collectibles! For the "I'm Into Cool Toys From Japan That Sit On My Window Sill And Show What Kind Of Person I Am" type. You can get them the entire Final Fantasy VII x Play Arts collection, the tall standing 19 inch Cloud Strife Masterpiece Arts work of art for only $400. I bought them all but Square Enix will be restocking on May 2nd. Don't forget about Old Snake. And Naked Snake, Solid Snake, Liquid Snake, Solidus Snake, Camo Naked Snake, Boss, Big Boss, Raiden, Grey Fox, Meryl, Naomi, Vamp, Otacon and the whole MGS Crew too.

When I said you can never have enough glass. I meant games. You can never have enough games. For the "I Am Not Really Good At Video Games So I Just Buy Them All To Compensate" type. Just to name a few games that I have yet to receive; Assassin's Creed, Heavenly Sword, Mirrors Edge, Bioshock, Call of Duty 5, and Rock Band World Tour just to name a few.

I know what you're thinking. "Duy, I thought you said you didn't want a bike and would skate everywhere." To be honest, it's hard skating on cobblestone roads and if I plan to get a job anywhere off campus, I'd rather not leave an hour before work and show up panting and smelly. So this present is for the "I Want A Bike To Go To Work And Other Things Like That" type. No this doesn't have to be a fixed gear, I don't like humping my bike to have it brake. But it can be a fixie. A lot of my friends are those "fixie kids". And they're all the rage right? I could say I got the bike from my Dad who used it in Vietnam where it wasn't trendy, it was just cheap. Yeah, thats it!
But seriously, whatever you decide to get your little sister, older brother, significant other, or gay lover, make sure it comes from the heart. And at least costs $100. When you have purchased your gift, make sure you send them to me first so I can sign them.
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